
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Plastic Surgery for Pets?

Tummy tucks for Tinkerbell?  Fanny lifts for Fido? Is plastic surgery for pets the new wave of the future?

More pets are getting nipped and tucked.  According to an article on, some Hollywood-area veterinarians have received requests for just a little work on the family pet to spruce things up a bit. Dr. Alan Schulman, a board-certified orthopedic veterinary surgeon who has been dubbed "Veterinarian to the Stars" says that elective procedures are on the increase, although he indicates that he refuses to complete procedures that are purely cosmetic.

The article proceeds to list several procedures that some may consider "plastic surgery" while others say they are medically necessary.  You be the judge!

Skin-fold issues in a variety of breeds, such as bulldogs with a wrinkle over their nose, can lead to bacterial infections. Hmm....wrinkle free bulldogs?

Nose jobs in breeds like pugs, bulldogs and Boston terriers are done to alleviate breathing problems.

Eyelifts may be needed in breeds that tend to have congenital problems with their eyelids.

Chin lifts?  Yes...that can curb the excessive drooling in big dogs like Newfoundlands and Mastiffs. Ok. What would the movie "Beethoven" been without the copious amounts of drool?

Let's not forget orthodontia. I will be the first to say that dental care is important to both cats and dogs. It helps prevent periodonatal diseases that can lead to more serious health issues. And if a tooth has a cavity or is broken/cracked?  Sure...fix it or, more likely, pull it. But braces for dogs?  They are out there!

I won't deny that each of the above procedures has some validity as far as medical concerns go. But neuticals? (Fake testicles for your neutered pet).  Eye implants? I guess it is up to each owner to determine how much cash they want to spend on procedures that are purely cosmetic.


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