
Monday, January 25, 2010

Exercise and Your Pets

I wish I can say Xena (dog) and Harley (cat) are resting after a vigorous round of exercise. No such luck. However, as a responsible pet parent I really need to do a better job of making sure they aren't turning into couch potatoes.

For both cats and dogs, 30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended. Some people may thing dogs are easier. Throw a leash on them and head for a walk.  Take a trip to the dog park. Or, as is usually the case at our house, put them out in the fenced back yard and let them run around. Xena has discovered the miracle of snow drifts this week, and three times has been found in the neighbor's yard after merely walking over the drift. So, our "normal" routine isn't working for us right now. Nor does a walk in this oh so chilly weather sound fun.

Harley, yeah...we can't get him to wear a collar without freaking out like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. There is NO WAY we are attaching the offensive device to a leash and going for a walk!  Like dogs, 30 minutes of daily exercise is best. (Petlane recommends three 10-minute intervals throughout the day). So, what can we do? 

In our house, Xena and Harley spend AT LEAST 30 minutes each day chasing each other up and down stairs to protect "their turf". That helps. Xena loves to play fetch. least the going to get the ball part; she isn't always so great about bringing it back.  Harley will chase a ball of foil for hours. Just like with little kids, they think they are just playing. is good for them!

Exercise reduces obesity which lessens the chances of diabetes. A healthy weight is better on your pet's joints. In a nutshell, being overweight can cause animals as many problems as humans.

Post your comment on your favorite way to exercise your pet when the weather isn't fit for man or beast. Any suggestions are welcomed!


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